A surprise result was PR’s with my Olympic lifts

Post by member Matt Collier.


“I truly believe the strength program is a great addition to anyone’s fitness regimen.“

“I have done the Dylan strength program twice now. Each time was for approximately 8 months or more. During the power cycles my strength continued to grow throughout the program and I would always hit a PR in either squat, bench, or deadlift at the completion. And a surprise result was PR’s with my Olympic lifts. I can only assume it was due to strength gains from the program. During the higher rep strength programming I noticed my muscular endurance gains in wods. I would feel less fatigued during and post WODs and I was able to push harder and longer than before. I truly believe the strength program is a great addition to anyone’s fitness regimen.”

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I TRUST Coach Dylan whole heartedly.


The Back to Class Programming has been a true game changer for me.