Choose from a variety of extra programming tracks that will help improve your strength, endurance, gymnastics, olympic lifting and recovery.

*To use our facility with this programming you need a Mecka or CrossFit membership.

Endurance Track

In this track you will see a lot of steady state work including EMOMs, long AMRAPs, RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) work, pacing work, and more. This track is for all of you out there that enjoy the longer type workouts and like to sweat it out.

Olympic Lifting Track

In this track you will roll through 3 days a week of targeting the two movements of the olympic sport itself, the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk. If you like to work on technique for these lifts, and also like the feel of a heavy barbell, this track is for you.

Strength Track

In this track, you will get stronger, plain and simple. From working on single arm/leg work to basic strength and power movements with a barbell, you will have everything you need in this track to build a strong foundation. The stronger you are in this world, the easier things are!

Gymnastics Track

In this track you will work on the foundations of gymnastic positioning, strength, and skill. Building your strength from the core out, this track includes a lot of strict work, tempo, bracing, balance and coordination work for the gymnastic movements (low skill and high skill).

*To use our facility with this programming you need a Mecka or CrossFit membership.