Dylan has been my one and only CF coach since 2014.

Post by Coach Natalie Simpson


“It's a great feeling having someone like Dylan in your corner and I know that every person he's encountered in a coaching setting feels the same way.”

Dylan has been my one and only CF coach since 2014 (almost 7 years and counting). Honestly, I could write a whole book but I'll keep this short and sweet. Dylan is an amazing coach and human being. He is one of two coaches I've had (in all of my athletic career) that truly believed in me as an athlete, showed it, and put action behind it. I trust him 1000% over again and so does every athlete and CF member he has ever coached. You don't come across coaches like Dylan very often, he's special. He puts his whole heart and expertise into his programming, into his coaching and wants the best for every single athlete (the newbie in the room who just wants to move more to the athlete that is trying to make it big). It's a great feeling having someone like Dylan in your corner and I know that every person he's encountered in a coaching setting feels the same way.

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