Coming into these classes at 39, I was worried about getting hurt.

Post by member Kristi Libson


“ The game changer has been Dylan’s coaching, focusing on the little adjustments for each person.“

“Coming into these classes at 39, I was worried about getting hurt and that I wouldn’t be able to do many of the moves. I’ve been at it for about a year and a half and have seen a huge progression in strength and ability to do many of the technical moves.

The game changer has been Dylan’s coaching, focusing on the little adjustments for each person, and programming. It has allowed me to progress on a continuous basis and I’ve been able to build strength in areas and do things that I felt were impossible before. Dylan also has a heavy emphasis on keeping safe and recognizing the areas where mobility may be a hinderance. I participated in his mobility program and was able to find issues with my hip and ankle mobility where I knew I had pain but didn’t know how to stretch and strengthen those areas. A lot of gyms and trainers create workouts, I feel CFMTL is different because of Dylan’s thought and dedication to building a program that allows people to grow and progress!”

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