I fell in love instantly.

Post by member and Coach Melanie Driscoll


“ Feeling strong and doing these lifts correctly is so freaking awesome.“

“I started my Crossfit journey at bootcamp over 5 years and did it for almost 10 months until I realized I was ready for more. I was ready for Crossfit.

I fell in love instantly. But like most newcomers, I was intimidated by the barbell. Fast forward to just over a year ago when Dylan started us on a strength program that personally changed everything. I was all in, more than ever, eager and ready to improve. My one rep max numbers were weak and I knew for certain I could do much better. From day one I was dedicated to this strength program and never missed a day. I asked Dylan many, many questions and he was eager to answer every single one and it was clear he was vested in my personal goals. Dylan was patient, attentive and provided constant feedback everyday. It got to the point where he would just walk over and say “what do you think you did wrong.” I would answer and he would smile as if to say you know this, now do it. Dylan gave me the slightest correction such as move your grip on the clean out an inch or two and sure enough it made a huge difference. These are just a few of many examples of what I have learned from Dylan. His knowledge of all things CrossFit especially OLY lifts is second to none. My numbers across the board have jumped tremendously. I’m so proud of what I’ve accomplished in just a short amount of time. Feeling strong and doing these lifts correctly is so freaking awesome. I thank you Dylan for your patience and extremely knowledgeable coaching. However, my journey doesn’t stop here, I have plenty more to accomplish”

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I was the definition of a beaten down athlete.


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